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Energy-Efficient HVACR Technologies 2024 | Panel Discussion | Thermal Control Magazine

Thermal Control Business Update (TCBU) organized a webinar on Energy-efficient HVACR technologies 2024 on April 12, 2024, at 4:00 PM.

Promoting energy efficiency via HVACR technologies was a primary concern at that time. Significant focus was directed towards advancements like variable speed compressors and advanced control algorithms. These advancements optimized system performance by adjusting component speeds based on demand. Moreover, advanced sensors and data analytics enabled predictive maintenance. At the same time, smart and connected systems allowed users to control and monitor the HVACR systems through mobile devices remotely, enabling better energy management.

Manufacturers also focused on developing systems that used low-GWP refrigerants, reducing the environmental impact of HVACR operations. Additionally, advancements in air purification and filtration technologies enhanced indoor air quality. Features such as high-efficiency filters, UV-C light systems, and other innovations helped minimize airborne pollutants and pathogens, creating well-being for people and working environments.

During that 90-minute virtual interactive session on “Energy-efficient HVACR technologies 2024” from 4 PM to 5.30 PM IST on April 12, 2024, industry experts discussed evolving technologies, energy efficiency, enhanced IAQ, monitoring systems, and opportunities for innovative filters and solutions that led to healthier living and productivity.


Sharad Malga, Director, Remoda Technologies Pvt. Ltd: “Market trends towards HVAC solutions”

Nabil Shahin, Managing Director at AHRI MENA: “What role do regulatory standards and certifications play in driving the adoption of energy-efficient HVACR technologies”

Madhusudhan Rapole, Managing Director, Oorja Energy Engineering: “A Pathway to Affordable & Low Energy Cooling”

Jitendra Bhambure, Advisor, Council Energy Environment & Water: “Behavioural Changes Required to Gain Maximum Benefits Energy Efficiency”

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@AHRIcommunications @oorjaenergy @CEEWIndia

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