Energy efficiency ideas for HVAC systems & solutions | Thermal Control Business Update | HVAC Forum

Higher efficiency equipment can reduce energy use by 50% for electric heating and cooling systems and 10% for gas furnace heating systems. The net zero emission by 2050 decarbonisation roadmap goal requires pursuing an emissions-reduction goal in a cost-effective manner and also creating opportunities for innovative retrofit equipment for HVAC energy efficiency. The innovative efficiency solutions will lead to reductions in harmful greenhouse-gas emissions to negative the effects of climate change. Energy Star label, the symbol for appliances, requires less energy to run which may yield annual energy bill savings of 10-30%. Certainly, maximising the life of an HVAC system can equal saving on bills.

On this note, Thermal Control Business Update hosted an interactive session cum conference on “Energy efficiency ideas for HVAC systems and solutions” on 8th December 2021 where expert leaders from the HVAC&R Industry discussed energy efficiency, building technology, increasing trends, growth and market.

Panel Speakers:
Mr. Dipu Manuel, Mitsubishi Electric India Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Vinod Maloo, Nidec Global Appliance
Mr. Achyut Kulkarni, Trane Technologies
Mr. Sandeep Vasant, Fläkt Group India

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