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Air handling technologies optimising indoor spaces | Thermal Control Business Update

On January 10, 2024, at 4:00 PM, Thermal Control Business Update (TCBU) will organise a webinar on Air handling technologies optimising indoor spaces.

The advancing air handling technologies signify a paradigm shift in perceiving and creating indoor environments. Integrating innovative air handling technologies marks a shift in design and functionality. Smart ventilation systems with sensors and AI algorithms adjust airflow, optimising fresh air intake while efficiently managing energy consumption. HEPA and UV-C filtration systems have emerged as options for purifying indoor air, eliminating contaminants and pathogens, and ensuring spaces remain safe.

Beyond filtration, the focus has shifted to air quality management. The air ionisation and advanced monitoring systems sanitise air and maintain humidity levels, curbing mould and bacteria growth while fostering an environment conducive to well-being. These advancements are not limited to commercial spaces. Residential settings, too, embrace these technologies, focusing on health and comfort.

During this 90-minute virtual interactive session on “Air handling technologies optimising indoor spaces” from 4 PM to 5.30 PM IST On January 10, 2024, HVAC system experts will be talking about indoor environments, IoT and monitoring systems, retrofit opportunities for innovative AHUs, HEPA and UV-C filters, new technologies and solutions, leading to healthier living and productivity.

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