Bry-Air, a global leader in dehumidification and environmental control solutions, celebrates its 60th anniversary. The company plans to launch groundbreaking innovative technologies...
Due to the conditions of the environment and the operations performed within them, confined spaces present inherent dangers. Atul Bansal, Chief Operating Officer, Technical...
Exploring the emerging need for cold chain warehousing, Sushil Teotia, AVP, Bry-Air, states to ensure the delivery of superior quality medicines and...
Situated in Alwar, Rajasthan, the Sustainable Agriculture Resource Center aims at promoting organic farming. DRI, the flagship company of Pahwa Group, inaugurates...
Mr. Sushil Teotia, Asst. Vice President at Bry-Air, emphasises the company’s commitment to clean, green energy and reducing CO2 emissions for a...
Bry-Air and DRI, flagship companies of the Pahwa Group conducted Sports Day on January 24, 2023 for Pathshala students, with aim at...