There is so much work happening around the world for equality by bringing equity in women’s empowerment and encouraging women to take lead roles.
Preethi Ramamoorthy
Director, HVAC Systems.
‘Never Bow Down to Ridicule’
The HVAC industry is vast and diverse in its own way and being a woman in this vast sea of opportunities and physical work is commendable. We have a women workforce mostly in back-end operations, accounts, procurement, and design and so on.
It is quite intimidating to be present in a space with most of our colleagues and other workforce being men. The women of today are breaking all these barriers and emerging to be the best team players and leaders. The perseverance and strong-headedness to mark our own individual identity in this industry is the only driving force that will keep us going.
The only message I would like to convey to women in our industry is – Keep going, all of you are doing a great job. Never let any situation or person intimidate you. My single philosophy in life is-‘Never Bow Down to Ridicule’. You will be surprised how much you can do when you push yourself a little when you feel overwhelmed and tired. This is to provide more strength to all the beautiful women who play multiple roles professionally and personally.
Kshama Jain
Managing Director, Kehems Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
‘Women should take the lead role’
I would say that women in the HVACR industry are always viewed to be part of the non-technical end of any organization. Today we see that women are contributing to design, manufacturing, and to every aspect, where otherwise, men were taking a lead role.
I would say that taking a technical education really pays off; because it gives a good message to the entire community. So my message will be that women should take the lead role and make sure that they are proving themselves right.
Sakhee Chandrayan
INBAC Association
‘Connect, Collaborate, Create
There is so much work happening around the world for equality by bringing equity in women empowerment. Each passing day is better than the earlier as women have started heading towards the same goal. Though our approaches could differ from each other, we are united by the unique strength of womanhood embracing life, and capable of creating a life!
Half a decade ago, my mother faced social constraints; she could not take up a job. She worked around it and created a sari business. She is the first entrepreneur I knew in my childhood. Hats off to the generations of strong women, paving the way for our generation challenging biases; and be where we are today. We all must continue the work for the further generations of strong women.
I think every woman must work. When I say it, the only thing that comes to mind is financial stability, isn’t it? Trust me it is just one thing and the reasons are far more deeply rooted than it looks. I will go ahead and say every mother must work. If you are the mother of a boy, do work to show him a life based on equal human values and prepare him for taking care of his own life and respect the differences. If you are a mother of a girl, work to show her how important are the perspectives of a woman to the world’s growth and that she is first a human being and is entitled to every right and opportunity. She cannot be taken for granted. Work to create your own network and net worth. Work to double the world’s experiences for your children. Work, so that your children have both parents with different perspectives to go to when they seek advice. And work to empower those who are less privileged! It is ok if you want to start anew.
It is ok if you have taken a break. It is ok if you have not done very well until now in your business. You can always start afresh!
Last many years in the HVACR and Building Automation Industry, I worked with many powerful individuals, men, and women. I learnt that life is a long game; there is no winner or loser, at the end it matters that you keep playing it to the best of your abilities. The best of leaders is always open to ideas and focused on results without neglecting the efforts one has taken. I saw my career elevating only when I learnt to connect, collaborate, and create! The results were strongest when I could look beyond the tactical win-win and strive for better social impact.
When I google the numbers, statistically it says that, in our HVACR industry, male workforce is more than 90 percent and the women work force is less than 10 percent. I see so much career growth and opportunity. The HVACR industry is naturally about creating comfort and taking care of people, isn’t it? No points for guessing who has been doing it so very well for thousands of years! Our industry needs more women to bring in unique perspectives and approaches.
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