Harnessing ozone systems to improve indoor and outdoor air

Prashant Sinha

Prashant Sinha, Head of Marketing, WIKA India, remarks that ozone serves a dual role in our environment: beneficial in the upper atmosphere but detrimental at ground level. Effective strategies and careful management can leverage ozone systems to purify indoor and outdoor air, enhancing overall air quality while mitigating health risks.

Air quality is super important for our health and the environment. When discussing air quality, we usually focus on particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds. But did you know that ozone (O₃) plays a double role? It can be both helpful and harmful. Understanding how ozone systems can convert the air better in indoor and outdoor spaces is key to reaping the benefits while minimising the risks.

Ozone: Friend and foe

In the upper atmosphere, ozone forms a protective layer that shields us from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. That is a good thing. But down here at ground level, ozone can become a major pollutant, causing respiratory problems and other health issues. It implies that we need to manage ozone levels in different environments.

Improving outdoor air quality: tackling ground-level ozone

Ground-level ozone is a big part of smog. It occurs when volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) react with sunlight. Breathing in high concentrations of ground-level ozone can cause issues like respiratory problems, worsen lung diseases, and worsen overall lung functioning. So, how do we control outdoor ozone levels? Here are some effective strategies for managing ozone levels and improving air quality.

Regulating emissions is crucial for controlling ozone formation. Government and environmental agencies have strict rules to control factory, vehicle, and power plant emissions. Reducing the release of NOx and VOCs can directly impact ozone formation.

Promoting clean energy sources helps decrease fossil fuel consumption. Switching to renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power helps reduce fossil fuel use emissions that contribute to ozone formation. Educating the public about ground-level ozone that comes from the health impacts can encourage people to make changes. For example, they drive less or support policies that promote cleaner air.

Improving indoor air quality involves harnessing ozone for purification. Indoors, we can use ozone generators to purify the air and eliminate odours, bacteria, viruses, and mould. Ozone is a powerful oxidising agent, but we must be careful when using it indoors to ensure it’s safe and effective. Ozone generators should be controlled. They should be used in unoccupied spaces or low concentrations that would not harm humans. When used right, ozone can effectively clean the air and surfaces without posing health risks.

Combined with air purification systems, it enhances indoor air quality even more. We can use ozone generators alongside other air purification technologies like HEPA and activated carbon filters. Ozone breaks down biological contaminants, while filters capture particles and absorb gases. After using ozone generators, adequate ventilation is necessary to remove any leftover ozone. This way, we can make sure the indoor air quality stays safe for everyone inside.

Ensuring the safe and effective use of ozone systems requires a balanced approach. While ozone systems offer significant benefits for air purification, their use must be balanced with safety considerations. Continuous monitoring of ozone levels indoors and outdoors using sensors and air quality monitors is critical to maintaining safe concentrations. Ozone sensors and air quality monitors help with this.

The ongoing research and development on the effects of ozone on our health and the development of advanced ozone generation and control technologies are fundamental. With innovations, we can find safer and more efficient ways to use ozone systems. Establishing Strong regulatory frameworks and guidelines ensures that ozone is used effectively without compromising public health. These regulations should be based on the latest scientific research and tailored to specific environmental contexts.


Buildings today are almost hermetically sealed to save energy. The air quality can quickly reach values that impair the well-being and performance of people and can even lead to health problems in the long term. Precise measurement data creates the basis for both energy and cost-efficient control of the ventilation and air-conditioning systems. It can help ensure a healthy indoor climate and satisfied building users. The Smart sensing portfolio from WIKA ensures continuous and precise recording of pressure, temperature, humidity and air quality. Analogue and digital signal transmissions and LoRa®WAN radio solutions enable problem-free integration into any automation and control system in cloud environments. In this way, you can also make existing systems fit for the future with retrofit solutions.

Ozone systems play a pivotal role in enhancing air quality both indoors and outdoors. By understanding and managing ozone’s dual nature, we can harness its benefits for air purification while minimising its risks as a pollutant. With careful application, continuous monitoring, and innovative technologies, ozone can be a powerful ally in our quest for cleaner, healthier air.

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