The Bureay of Energy Efficiency is organising an international conference ‘Angan’ for Energy Efficiency in Building Sector. The event is jointly organised by Ministry of Power, Government of India in collaboration with GIZ under the Indo German Technical Cooperation. Speakers, Delegates, Experts and Policy Makers across 16 countries are participating in this 3 days’ event.
The Experts will be discussing various alternative options and technologies in the field of design and construction of energy efficient commercial as well as residential buildings and will suggest the effective ways in implementing the same through policies and programmes. It is estimated that an investment of ₹ 2000 billion in Building energy efficiency activities would lead to a cumulative savings of 388 Billion units of electricity for the next ten years with payback of about 2 years.
The participants from Central and State local authorities as well as Technology providers and Experts, practicing architects and university students were invited in this event. Eminent speakers and dignitaries like Dr Ajay Mathur (Director General, The energy and research institute), Sonam Wangchuk (founder- director, SELCMOL), Prof. Deo Prasad (CI & CEO CRCLCL, Sydney) and others from different parts of the world, gathered to debate, discuss and deliberate on the aspects of sustainability in the context of inclusiveness, international cooperation and education. Stake holders from the energy efficiency sector also showcased technologies in the area of insulation, AAC block, glass window, fenestration shooting etc. for energy efficiency in buildings through many parallel sessions were also organised on 18 thematic tracks as part of agenda of ANGAN event.
The international conference will provide a platform to deliberate on interdependence between organizations, systemic sustainability and feedback loops for better resource efficiency. Given the formidable challenge of providing adequate energy of desired quality to the consumers at reasonable costs, improving the efficiency in high energy consumption sectors like buildings have become important component of our integrated energy policy. Due to lack of awareness and knowledge about latest technologies, financial assistance, suppliers and purchase of energy efficient equipment, etc. efforts on energy efficiency and conservation in this sector have been moderate and therefore require greater push. This event aims to provide thrust in this direction so as to address such challenges faced by the stakeholders.
As part of this event, an exhibition on energy efficient building material suppliers, technology suppliers, research institutions and universities displayed latest things in the building energy efficiency sector is also displayed. The delegates will have opportunities to interact with building experts and policy makers and understand the economically viable options in the construction of commercial buildings as well as residential building sector. Apart from energy savings, the emphasis is also given to other resources like water and other materials that can be saved in building sector.
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