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Pay close attention to indoor air quality is imperative for us

Ashwin Bhadri,

Research has shown that the most common genera of bacteria found are Staphylococci, Clostridium and Bacilli.

What kind of harmful bacteria virus does IAQ filters prevent?

IAQ filters are one of the most effective ways to improve air quality in a room. They clean the air by removing airborne droplets and particles, which may or may not contain microorganisms.

The thing about bacteria and viruses though, is that they don’t float in the air on their own; they are being carried on dust particles or in droplet nuclei (dried droplets) or bioaerosol droplets that have been made airborne.

This means that a filter doesn’t necessarily need to be able to capture particles of the sizes of viruses or bacteria in order to remove them. Bacteria range in size from 0.3μm–0.7mm (1μm = 1000th of a millimetre) whereas viruses’ range in size from about 0.03–0.450μm.

Research has shown that the most common genera of bacteria found in indoor air are Staphylococci, Clostridium and Bacilli. The most common viruses associated with indoor air quality are human enterovirus, human rhinovirus (HRV), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human metapneumovirus (HMPV), influenza and parainfluenza virus (HPIV).

A filter however, is not like a sieve with an array of holes that only lets particles smaller than the holes pass through. It consists of a mat of randomly arranged fibres that capture airborne particles and contaminants that pass through them. Why indoor air quality has acquired immense priority and is it needed beyond pandemics? We don’t usually discuss indoor air quality in India. The topic is usually brought up around the winter season. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has made sure that our focus on indoor air quality is an everyday phenomenon.

By now it is quite clear that Covid-19 is an airborne disease that not only spreads through direct and close contact, but also via the air shared in closed spaces. This makes maintaining indoor air quality all the more important.

Add to the fact that more transmissible variants like alpha (first detected in the UK) and delta (first found in India) came out recently, and we couldn’t possibly guess as to what we will be up against in the future. Therefore, it becomes imperative for us to pay close attention to indoor air quality, not just amid the ongoing pandemic but also post that, especially in places that are air-conditioned and poorly ventilated.

What kind of measures need to be in place to enhance IAQ among the most polluted cities in India like the NCR region?

Here are a few ways to keep the air inside your home clean:

  • Use aerosol free products
  • Clean your filter and ducts
  • Turn on your kitchen vent when cooking
  • Keep your carpets and rugs clean
  • Get indoor plants
  • Buy an air purifier.

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