It’s high time that we start acting upon issues concerning the quality of life they live in. People give away the lethargic attitude and rejuvenate the clean air into reality.
Himanshu Agarwal, CEO, Magneto Cleantech in an interaction with TCBU Magazine, tours us about their magnetic range of filters and chillers for industrial air purification. He further mentions few key points to contain clean air indoor and outdoor.
Kindly walk us through your journey in Magneto Cleantech.
Throughout our journey, I realised that the comfort that we are living in, is actually turning out to be a discomfort. These luxuries have changed humans into caged animals. But humans being a progressive species, we can’t go back to the ages and ask anyone to start living outside. We are progressively living in this new age buildings and today we must find ways to create healthier and safer environment.
There’s an outcry already seeking for this transformation. Earlier, the basic requirement was food, water and clothes; but today, the key aspect is to breathe a clean air. Air is becoming much more quantifiable and visible as the sensing technologies are now affordable and can be accessed by any lay man to calculate the required air quality and the available or created air quality indoor. These sensors don’t just help to calculate the air quality but also it has also transformed the TDs for RO. With these available sensors, we can dream of a sustainable world.
Clean Air is not a luxury cleaner has to be for our muscles and we intend intended to make clean, quantifiable, visible and affordable. But it is different with the global technology, as search pattern of west and the user experience they hold is vast. It may take another 10 years for us to attain that kind of knowledge.
What kind of products do you offer for clean and sustainable air indoor and in the environment?
Sustainability is not just about the planet, its also about us. Adoption of the best standards focusing on a domain area is gaining huge traction. Air has a significant role to play in a controlled atmosphere, and it is a highly complex structure. Topographically and geopolitically, it is very diverse and different; so the air particles in India, China, US and other countries, are same, but the composite and particles differ in countries, depending on their lifestyle and environment. One of the very important aspects that we look in India is its temperature. India is tropically located in a zone where we have active flora and fauna, which is healthy for an active microbial activity. So, when we considered the air quality, we said we must have a holistic look and holistic approach towards it. So, don’t stop yourself only from the ignorant space, which is PM 2.5 as the world is already starting to talk about PM 2.5.
Bio aerosol is one of the important dynamic aspects to consider. So, subconsciously, we began testing and validation of various technologies, and that’s where we finally introduced Magneto’s Central Air Cleaner on 15th August, 2017. This was our first future ready commercialised product, based on filterless magnetic air purification technology, having world’s best global third party certifications and track and field technology.
In building industry, engineers propose and financial men dispose. Nobody will refer your service and design engineering if they don’t really add value to them. At the end of the day, every financial decision is taken based on economics of economies.
How is HVAC sector fighting pollution and other related challenges?
I think the HVAC sector is rather struggling to find the right way forward. So, there are a lot of myths around. This is a basic trend followed by every industry before it matures. Recently, an article was published by Dyson, one of the premium providers for air purifiers, where they said filters have trapping huge amount of pathogens, colonies of bacteria, viruses and allergies. They are part of your breathable space is it that we are also creating secondary source of infection, or likely source of infection?
So, there is anything and everything we’re trying to sell. But at the end of the day, what is sustainable in the real sense, what is workable for a given environment that will go. So, that’s where the industry is.
What makes key significant and outstanding technology different from others?
This is a foresighted technology called magnetic, where we can have products like magnetic train, magnetic chiller, all kinds of things that are coming into our lives was invented in 2003 and it was entirely in the hands of US till 2016, and thereafter it was made available for licensing. So we took the licensing arrangement for the technology and we developed the entire product in ways where any air con system can take it. We see aircon as an opportunity and a right approach. Every household has an air contradict to what will have tomorrow eventually, because being interpreted so why can’t we have a system whereby we combine these two together, bring energy efficiency, cost efficiency.
What measures do you suggest to reduce the carbon footprints from the environment, and what is your organisations contribution in reducing the same?
I think sustainability is a multifaceted dimension and we cannot have non-sustainable technologies. Moreover, as a conscious organisation, we have created sustainability and impactful and believe me, we are able to quantify that we are saving more than 500 metric tons of CO2 every year.
Secondly, are you going to dump and keep dumping more? So, it’s like cleaning one section but creating pile of dump on the other end further harming the environment. Here, with the filterless magnetic process you can wash clean and create soil to dust and dust to soil, it just goes away. This can reduce the overall environmental impacts. Moreover, clean air is something that should be availed for anyone and everyone. Because of the hostile external environment, your indoor atmosphere is at stake and clean air has wider dimensional reach providing safety to your assets and to your people.
So what will be the acceptance level?
India’s acceptance towards these sensitive issues, are poor and lethargic. I think people are rather ignorant and arrogant, as they don’t perceive air quality as a huge concern or threat; Indian’s are in fact used to go by numbers and not by the impacts. But we don’t realise that our country has excess amount of self created air pollution? No minister, no politician can get your home cleaned for you; it is a DIY thing for your own hygiene. You must also realise the fact that your ignorance has resulted in intense pollution across. That’s why one of the WHO report states that the indoor air is 15 to 20 times more polluted than outdoor. So, there is a lot that needs to be done in context to evolve. Moreover, India’s casual attitude towards these issues is deep rooted. I would say the hard situation do not exist is the heartbeat.
Do you think what will be the affordability of your technology?
We are bringing in technologies at affordable costs, as we aim at creating unquantifiable clean air. So, I want to see a day when the starting point pyramid of the rooms are able to offer clean air, which will become a reality soon.
We as an innovative company will continue to look at the problems and will find ways to address them. Anything can’t be transformed overnight, it require time and patience; and as an early stage company we are trying to reach people at personal level, industry level, and on a particular dimension of the entire building industry. I think we will continue to innovate for people. Pollution is something that has just started, and fighting it will be a tough.
What is your business outlook for the next two years?
We, as an organisation are constantly growing with a 100 percent growth rate. We are constantly making efforts to add value to our services and our customers. So, going forward for the next five years, we foresee Magneto as a global enterprise. Today, we already have exported we are India’s first company who has homegrown technology and product being exported on it. We only have no of exporting inquiries.
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