Industry Report

HVAC innovations for energy efficiency


The surge in urbanisation, in tandem with energy-efficient HVAC systems, is a driving force behind market expansion. Renewable energy-powered systems offer significant advantages, encompassing energy preservation, decreased emissions, and enhanced comfort levels. This story delves into innovative, energy-efficient HVAC systems, advocating for efficiency, environmental consciousness, and overall comfort enhancement.

With the ascent of trends spotlighting electrification and decarbonisation, energy efficiency emerges as a primary objective. In this context, the HVAC system is critical in buildings, accounting for approximately 45–50 percent of the total electrical load.

Due to the pivotal consumption patterns inherent in HVAC systems, energy plays a pivotal role in their regulation. Modifying humidity and air temperature can exert substantial control over energy consumption. The interconnection between these two factors underscores their potential impact on HVAC systems, further underscoring the imperative of determining optimal settings for diverse scenarios. This encompasses accommodating cooling requirements that align with specific geographical conditions. Implementing a novel HVAC control system has the potential to yield energy savings of around 40 percent compared to prevailing operational methods, consequently leading to a significant cost reduction.

Against fluctuating fossil fuel prices and an escalating environmental consciousness, curtailing energy usage in HVAC systems assumes heightened importance. Hence, the industry is steadfastly committed to continual innovation in ideas, products, and technologies. The quest to curtail overall energy consumption is paramount in pursuing energy objectives. Conventional HVAC systems can judiciously leverage their existing components by harnessing innovative techniques to achieve energy savings.

Even air curtains assume a substantial role in augmenting the energy efficiency of HVAC systems. They effectively mitigate the influx of external air, thereby alleviating the strain on heating and cooling equipment. This reduces reliance on the HVAC system for mitigating outdoor temperature fluctuations, culminating in noteworthy energy savings and diminished utility expenses. Ravi Kaushik, CEO and Founder of AIRTH, underscores that air curtains enhance HVAC energy efficiency and contribute to indoor air quality. However, it is imperative to acknowledge that the design of fan systems within air handling units (AHUs) similarly exerts influence over the efficiency of HVAC systems.

AHU systems impact performance
Air Handling Units (AHUs) encounter various design challenges influencing operational performance and energy efficiency. The selection of the fan’s type and size directly affects both energy efficiency and overall operational effectiveness. Typically, AHUs are outfitted with centrifugal fans, and making precise decisions concerning the fan’s type and size proves crucial in attaining optimal efficiency. Aman Taluja, Operations Head at Brightflow Engineers, underscores that effectively controlling the fan’s speed is a pivotal element in energy conservation. Furthermore, the design and orientation of the fan blades significantly contribute to energy efficiency. Fans with forward-curved blades demonstrate greater effectiveness at lower airflow volumes, while those featuring backwards-curved blades excel at higher airflow rates.

The efficiency of the fan motor also plays a vital role in enhancing AHU energy efficiency. Incorporating electronically commutated motors can substantially diminish energy consumption while concurrently elevating the overall performance of the AHU. Meticulously considering and optimising these factors during the design of the fan system can result in remarkable energy efficiency and comprehensive effectiveness for AHUs.

Sensors use for HVAC systems efficiency
Using information from sensors can significantly enhance the energy efficiency of HVAC systems. When changes in occupancy are detected, precise heating or cooling can be directed to specific areas, reducing the need to adjust the entire building’s climate.

Indoor air quality sensors are crucial in recognising pollutants, CO2 levels, and particulate matter. This enables the HVAC system to adjust ventilation rates, promoting occupants’ health, well-being, and productivity. Karn Chaturvedi, General Manager of Professional Services at 75F, emphasises the importance of sensors in augmenting HVAC system efficiency and performance. By providing immediate data and feedback, they enable intelligent and adaptable operations. Sensors contribute to improving HVAC system efficiency, including precise control, air quality assessment, predictive maintenance, and integration with HVAC systems.

Achieving peak performance in HVAC systems hinges on control and safety protocols. These control mechanisms necessitate consistent maintenance and calibration assessments to uphold their precision. Periodically, controls may experience glitches, resulting in reduced system efficiency and hindering desired outcomes. Shankar Ghime, Principal Consultant at Airtechnics MEP Consultants, states, “Whether, in commercial or residential contexts, it is strongly advisable to regularly examine and maintain HVAC controls to ensure their precision and overall system efficiency.”

Temperature, humidity, and occupancy sensors empower the HVAC system to regulate indoor conditions. This facilitates the maintenance of optimal comfort levels, thereby minimising unnecessary energy consumption. Additionally, these sensors permit remote monitoring and control via building automation systems or IoT platforms, enabling problem diagnosis. Ultimately, this enhances efficiency and reduces maintenance expenses. Advanced sensors furnish data for models that predict maintenance requirements, enabling proactive servicing or repairs. Consequently, this reduces downtime and prolongs equipment lifespan.

Sensors are pivotal in modern HVAC systems, imbuing them with greater intelligence, efficiency, and comfort. By furnishing accurate data and insights, sensors enhance the performance of heating, cooling, ventilation, and indoor air quality, resulting in cost savings and a healthier indoor environment. Monitoring indoor air quality holds particular significance, and advanced monitors can seamlessly interface with HVAC systems through building automation. This integration empowers the HVAC system to adapt ventilation rates and enhance indoor air quality based on collected data, all while upholding energy efficiency.

Variable speed equipment
Within the realm of HVAC system maintenance, innovative methods have the potential to amplify energy efficiency significantly. One productive approach involves the strategic utilisation of programmable thermostats. These thermostats wield authority over airflow and temperature, ensuring optimal comfort across varying seasons and facilitating efficient heating and cooling. Establishing a predetermined schedule makes it feasible to program heating or air conditioning to sustain desired temperatures during specific intervals. Adjusting temperature settings for unoccupied rooms throughout the day or night can result in energy savings of approximately 10 percent.

From the vantage point of Preethi Ramamoorthi, Director of Operations for HVAC Systems, the integration of variable speed options for fans, blowers, motors, and other HVAC components has yielded notable advancements in energy efficiency within a spectrum of commercial facilities, addressing both heating and cooling requisites. Air conditioning systems and thermal equipment have recently embraced variable-speed capabilities to establish operationally streamlined and economically viable configurations. The nucleus of this heightened efficiency resides in the precise calibration of settings, circumventing the continual operation of motors, fans, and other constituents at their maximum speeds. The adaptability of variable speed control permits equipment to be finely tuned to synchronise with heating and cooling demands, avoiding perpetual operation at 100 percent capacity. This methodology fosters energy preservation and harmonises effectively with the stipulated performance benchmarks.

Thermal comfort and energy saving
Thermal comfort encompasses a psychological sense of well-being within our surrounding environmental conditions. When delving into its fundamental principles, six pivotal factors emerge the appropriate temperature, relative humidity, air movement, activity levels, clothing, and the average temperature of nearby surfaces. Achieving thermal comfort goes beyond merely attaining a specific temperature, such as 22 degrees Celsius; it hinges on the intricate interplay of these factors. For instance, even at 27°C, enhancing air circulation can generate a comfort level akin to 22°C, resulting in substantial energy savings.

Numerous standards, including ASHRAE Standard 55, offer invaluable insights into this realm, potentially reshaping the very essence of building design. According to Ashish Rakheja, Managing Partner of AEON Consultants, many contemporary buildings have severed their connections with nature, compelling us to resort to energy-intensive strategies for indoor environmental regulation. The skewed emphasis on cooling, prioritised over ensuring thermal comfort, has led to a discernible disconnect and is steering future generations towards practices detrimental to the environment. A more open approach to architectural design, complemented by the infusion of natural elements into indoor spaces, can significantly reduce the necessity for energy-intensive cooling systems. Embracing adaptive thermal comfort and revisiting traditional technologies like fans and evaporative cooling offer practical solutions that are experiencing a resurgence in popularity.

Efficiency in HVAC within the commercial sector
The commercial segment stands out distinctly among various projects spanning the industrial, commercial, and residential sectors. Notably, industries, including hospitality, healthcare, malls, and multiplexes within this category, regard the HVAC system as a fundamental pillar of their operations. Since HVAC accounts for a substantial 50 percent of total energy expenses, its significance is paramount in shaping business performance and competitiveness. As observed by Shankar Ghime, besides the performance of air conditioning units, the effectiveness of HVAC systems plays a pivotal role in elevating productivity, ensuring the well-being of occupants, boosting business revenues, and establishing a strong position in the fiercely competitive market. A robust and energy-efficient HVAC infrastructure lays the foundation for success, fostering excellence across all dimensions of the commercial domain.

The primary consideration when assessing an HVAC system is to ensure occupant comfort and adherence to design standards, encompassing elements such as temperature, humidity, noise, and carbon dioxide. Following installation, a crucial evaluation of how well the system aligns with the actual requirements of the designated spaces becomes imperative. Often, substantial disparities emerge between the genuine needs and the initial system configuration. This underscores the need for a comprehensive system efficiency assessment, offering enhancement and refinement opportunities.

The steady rise of urbanisation and the widespread adoption of energy-efficient HVAC systems propels the market to unprecedented growth. Governments worldwide are incentivising the incorporation of energy-efficient HVAC units by offering various incentives and rebates, further accelerating market expansion. The overarching objective is to power HVAC systems using clean energy sources such as wind or solar power, aligning environmental benefits with the interests of building owners. Although the transition from conventional HVAC systems that rely on natural gas or oil to electricity-powered alternatives may require time and financial investments, the advantages are significant.

Initiating energy savings in HVAC systems begins with managing the cooling load, which directly affects air-conditioning units’ energy consumption. A more energy-efficient system can be established by gradually reducing this load through various strategies. Opting for energy-efficient HVAC systems extends beyond temporary fixes; it offers a lasting opportunity to reduce annual energy usage substantially.

Integrating existing air conditioning technologies can offer practical solutions for conserving energy while maintaining thermal comfort. Therefore, enhancing the performance of HVAC systems to reduce energy consumption becomes imperative, resulting in a positive environmental impact by mitigating carbon emissions. The transition to energy-efficient HVAC systems signifies a commitment to a more sustainable future where comfort and ecological well-being harmoniously coexist.


Karn Chaturvedi, General Manager-Professional Services at 75F
“HVAC systems can adapt ventilation rates and optimise indoor air quality based on monitored data while maximising energy efficiency.”

Preethi Ramamoorthi, Director Operations, HVAC Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Air conditioning systems and thermal equipment incorporate variable speed capabilities to create more economically viable and efficient operational setups.”

Shankar Ghime, Principal Consultant, Airtechnics MEP Consultants
“A robust and energy-efficient HVAC setup serves as the foundation of success, fostering excellence across all aspects of operations in the commercial area.”

Ravi Kaushik, CEO and Founder, AIRTH.
“Air curtains are crucial in improving HVAC energy efficiency and indoor air quality. Combining current air conditioning methods can effectively address energy conservation and comfort.”

Ashish Rakheja, Managing Partner, AEON Consultants, India
“Increasing air movement at a room temperature of 27°C can experience a thermal comfort equivalent to 22°C, resulting in major energy savings.”

Aman Taluja, Operations Head, Brightflow Engineers Pvt. Ltd.
“Effectively managing the fan’s operating speed is a key factor in saving energy, as the design and angle of the fan blades play a significant role in energy efficiency.”


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