The world of logistics is moving to an on-demand model. call it an ‘Uberized’ model where owning traditional assets is no longer a requirement to be a viable logistics company. A competitor to a traditional logistics service provider need not just be another LSP, but can be any platform provider, industrial automation or technology company that can aggregate supply and demand, as well ease logistic solutions in one place and meet a customer’s requirement. This could look ideal or theoretical to a few but it is not impossible.
Integrated automation system for communication infrastructures
To compete, companies need to be equipped with the best possible technologies, including an integrated automation system, to manage all of the logistical and business complexities found in the supply chain.Samir Gandhi, MD & CEO, Gandhi Automations Pvt Ltd. says, “We have been an effective service provider; being able to tailor services so as to minimise the impact of market dynamics on a client’s supply value chain. We also were able to proactively ensure compliance at all junctions of business operations.”Emerging technology and the proliferation of digital technologies have opened up avenues for new business models and service delivery frameworks. “We leverage such technologies in providing value added services to the clients,” adds Gandhi
The emerging trends which are becoming very popular are remote operated high-speed doors and rolling shutters, the challenges here are sustainability and access. The opportunities to the Indian industry with automation is to maintain an efficient production cycle, safe inventory, cutting-edge technology, speed of movement, functionality and safety. If we add the high quality of personalisation and design, they become unique elements necessary for daily logistics operations and for the visibility of customer identity.
Communication Infrastructure is the core backbone of building automation systems.Aditya Prabhu, Group CEO, Secutech Automationsays, “There is a structured history that talks about technology trends that have defined the communication.”
- RS485 – Oldest form of communication used in BMS. Even today, considering its cost, it is still an effective and acceptable form of communication.
- IP/Ethernet – Modern and easily deployed. The IP based communication backbone has been the gold standard for the past few years.
- Wireless/LORA/4G – This is the new age communication that’s disrupting the complete communication Infrastructure of Buildings today.
According to Prabhu, atSecutech, they have harnessed a multi-format communication layer for exchanging information which pans across all 3 communication mediums listed above.
Building energy savings and troubleshooting problems
Energy is the most precious and probably one of the most expensive commodities while running a Building. Prabhu says, “Secutech`s Energy Analytics Services provides customers actionable insights and tangible cost reductions using Artificial Intelligence.
No customer is happy when it comes to the subject of energy efficiency. In fact, a lot of customers feel that despite having invested in energy efficient equipment, they are not getting the value of their returns. This is true in many ways.Imagine buying a vehicle which claims to offer the best mileage. But, because of poor driving skills, low quality of fuel and negligence on maintaining the vehicle, the fuel economy claimed vs actual is a big disparity. Buildings are not different.Statistically, 80 per cent of the buildings have a scope of reducing over 40 per cent of their energy costs without any capital investments.Ensuring that your fire detection system is maintained and running in perfect working condition has been an age old challenge.
Prabhu says, “Secutech`sIoTbased digital unification system enables us to have a platform to collect all the data from MEP, ELV and IT Systems. Data is the new oil. Secutech`s Energy management application is the platform for processing the data to be used as information.” By collecting data from all power hungry systems and running Artificial Intelligence driven business rules we can uncover:
- Which are the areas where energy is wasted?
- Whether the equipment is running as per factory defined standard?
- Benchmarking of design calculations vs actual
- Pattern analysis to find faults in equipments leading to energy loss
- Continuous commissioning of the IBMS logics to meet the operational envelope of the building
Today’s material handling systems combine complex machinery and information technology that can facilitate value-added operations and contribute to supply chain excellence. Systems must be carefully integrated with one another and both information technology and physical systems have to be flexible, scalable, and easily updated.Automation does necessarily increase the cost of handling material it actually helps in reducing the material loss due to lack ofsafety in transit.
Gandhi says, “The material handling industry is responding with new equipment, technology, and systems that enable complete supply chain visibility, thus allowing customers to see how their investments are impacting their overall operation.” The demand for material handling automation and equipment has increased exponentially over the past few yearsbecause of the increasing production capacity, reducing man hours and meeting deadlines.
Now with more and more companies streamlining their processes the use of material handling equipment’s for any industry is a must. The demand for such automation is the need for the hour; to deliver faster, hassle free loading/ unloading and reducing supply chain operating costs. How efficiently materials move through a manufacturing or warehouse facility will affect the cost of production as much as any other part of the supply chain. Gandhi says, “Given its importance, companies have found ways to leverage technology to improve this process. Because most manufacturing companies’ internal processes are only visible to employees, a lot of people are unaware of how common and advanced the technology involved with the many parts of the production process really is.”
Gandhi adds, “In future, I feel technology advancement combined with material handling equipment’s will change how logistics and supply chain management companies function.” Looking at the current situation at hand, the future of material handling sector looks very promising as it is not just helping companies perform better but also save money whilst increasing their production capacity. Thus, we at Gandhi Automations are always innovating and learning new technological advancements to help improve processes for all kinds of industries, says Gandhi.
Ensuring efficiency in your procurement process has a positive chain reaction within your entire organization. The objectives of a world-class procurement organization are far beyond the traditional belief that procurement’s primary role is to obtain goods and services in response to internal needs. In fact, a successful procurement process aims to optimize the whole process to create significant business value.
Specialised techniques in automation
Material handling doors were designed to guarantee the safety, reliability and efficiency of automated production processes on a 24/7 production basis. These types of doors are integrated into the actual production process, as a physical protection barrier for people working in the automation process or to separate machines or production cells.High speed doors are designed for fast open and close, allowing traffic to move quickly through the opening. When properly applied, they can increase environmental separation, productivity and safety, and reduce maintenance costs.
Gandhi says, “High speed doors offer high results for companies that use motorized material handling equipment or want energy-efficient facilities. As a manufacturer, Gandhi Automations Pvt Ltd sells automatic high-speed doors to numerous clients across the globe, helping companies improve their business productivity.” Automatic high-speed doors can be installed in virtually any interior or exterior doorway and are ideal for facilities that use motorized materials handling equipment
High-speed doors and dock levelers are relatively more popular in the logistics industry as their main focus is to maintain seamless operations and minimal downtime while meeting their manufacturing, storing and supplying needs. According to Gandhi, there are several products where research and innovations have resulted in curating a state-of-the-art product which have not just delivered efficiency but also additional safety.
Inflatable dock shelters provide perfect sealing by inflating themselves around the docked vehicle, which makes them ideal for applications within the food industry. They are suitable for a wide range of vehicle sizes and provide continuous weather protection throughout the entire loading and unloading operation. Gandhi says, “Inflatable shelters deliver the most versatile seal offered to service the widest diversity of truck and trailer configurations. Different to other types of Dock Shelters, the truck does not push towards the shelter. In its place, the shelter is inflated around the docked vehicle providing complete seaming.”High-speed freezer duo can be used in cold storage and load-out doorways, where speed and good insulating properties are a critical requirement. They have a revolutionary soft bottom edge and sensor combine to ensure operator safety at all times.
Prabhu says, “At Secutech, we focus on 100 per centopen and non-proprietary technology. This has been the core differentiator of our services.”There is a big difference in open systems and open protocols. Unfortunately, customers are fooled into believing that their systems are open because they have an open protocol. This is in no way true, says Prabhu.
At Secutech, we educate our customers with information, enabling them to make the right and informed choices. According to Prabhu, we need to check for the points below to determine if your system is truly open:
- Technology: Most OEMs and service providers will claim that their technology is non-proprietary because it supports Bacnet, Modbus or Lonworks. What they won’t tell you is that you need a Proprietary Commissioning Dongle to configure the system, a tool which only they have access to. Basically, your technology is open but locked.
- Services: What most OEMs andservice providers will not tell you is that, since they are the only company who has access to spares and proprietary configuration tools, no other company can come and bid for your AMC. Basically, you have to live or die with that OEM or service provider only, despite the quality of services they have to offer.
- Spares: What may have cost you 100 during the project stages can now cost you 500. Since the source of spares is only one company, how can you expect a fair and open pricing from them?
- Framework: Nokia died not because of a poor quality phone, but its inability to open up to a framework like the way android did. If your choice of Technology doesn’t have an Openly Published API or SDK, it’s not worth considering it. You surely are not using as Nokia phone today, why should you use something like that when making expensive investments that need to last 10 years.
Emerging technology and the proliferation of digital technologies have opened up avenues for new business models and service delivery frameworks
Samir Gandhi, MD & CEO, Gandhi Automations Pvt Ltd
Statistically, 80 per cent of the buildings have a scope of reducing over 40 per cent of their energy costs without any capital investments.
Aditya Prabhu, Group CEO, Secutech Automation
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