HVAC Industry

EDEN introduces an Instant Quote solution for residential HVAC equipment


The tool offers homeowners a 24/7 interactive online experience with accurate contractor pricing estimates, financing information, and a breakdown of incentives, tax credits, rebates, and expected utility savings.

EDEN, a pioneering startup in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry, has announced the launch of its Instant Quote solution, which improves the transparency and accuracy of purchasing residential HVAC equipment.

EDEN’s Instant Quote application offers homeowners a 24/7 interactive online experience with accurate HVAC contractor pricing estimates. It also provides financing information, a breakdown of federal, state, local, and utility incentives, tax credits, rebates, and expected utility savings.

EDEN Co-Founder and Chief Revenue Officer Josh Koplin said, “About 70 percent of purchase decisions are made before consumers even contact contractors. With this tool, homeowners can input their home address, and Instant Quote performs an instant heat load calculation to provide them with options.”

He continues, “The homeowner selects an option, and the homeowner details are shared with the contractor in real time. It helps to eliminate sticker shock, automatically pulls in incentives that can make high-efficiency systems more affordable and provides a transparent way for the contractor to more easily make the sale.”

Instant Quote is highly customisable, allowing HVAC contractors to set their pricing, preferred brands, and service areas. The proprietary software draws from a database of more than half a million homes across the country to accurately estimate a home’s building shell and thermal load. Instant Quote offers a reliable instant estimate by matching equipment with a contractor’s standard pricing and can be integrated with field service or customer relationship management software.

Josh Koplin said, “Research shows that 71 percent of homeowners prefer contractors with online pricing, and 68 percent of homeowners are more likely to consider high-efficiency systems like heat pumps when they learn about incentives. Instant Quote is not meant to just be an e-commerce site where homeowners make purchases online; it is a sales enablement tool. We developed and tested this unique database and software with input from local HVAC technicians, estimators, and more than 100 homeowners to make the equipment sales process easier for both contractors and homeowners.”

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