Event Update

The Carel Group at ISH 2023: Fresh Air

It exhibited the complete range of innovative and sustainable solutions to improve indoor air quality, increase energy performance and reduce energy consumption. 

Exhibiting for the first time ever at this event as a Group, CAREL showcased the global HVAC offering of the different companies making up its ecosystem: together with Enginia, HygroMatik, Klingenburg and Recuperator. It exhibited the complete range of innovative and sustainable solutions to improve indoor air quality, increase energy performance and reduce energy consumption.The issues of decarbonisation and sustainability in the HVAC sector are indeed at the centre of the agenda in Europe, and will drive the debate at this year’s exhibition. The objectives set for 2030, namely a 55 percent reduction in emissions and REPowerEU, are measures that underline the way forward for an industry that aims to increase efficiency and reduce the use of non-renewable resources.

CAREL, continuing on its journey of efficiency, offers solutions that can make the HVAC sector more sustainable, with components suitable for developing ready-to-use heat pump solutions. In this market, a key role in environmental sustainability is played by refrigerants, as those currently used in the air conditioning sector, typically HFCs, have a high GWP and consequently a considerable impact in terms of greenhouse effect. The F-GAS regulation is driving a gradual yet rapid elimination of HFC refrigerants in favour of natural refrigerants with zero ODP and a low GWP. The candidate with excellent thermodynamic properties chosen by many heat pump manufacturers is R-290, classified A3, or “flammable”, just like most natural refrigerants. CAREL has therefore focused on the research and development of devices and switches to make its components compatible with the certification required for use with flammable gases: CAREL products are now A3 Ready.

For CAREL, protection of resources and the environment also go hand-in-hand with the highest possible efficiency offered by its solutions, and the extra awareness in recent times of the need for pleasant, healthy and productive indoor spaces. In this context, the CAREL Group companies at ISH presented the technologies and competencies needed to develop energy recovery in air handling units, with the aim of increasing overall system efficiency in healthcare, commercial and industrial buildings: the solution comprising humidification, unit control, active/passive heat recovery units, dampers and accessories needed to ensure health and safety in compliance with the latest hygiene standards. The primary objective of the proposed solutions is to guarantee correct air recirculation, as well as to control humidity and the concentration of harmful substances and pathogens, so as to create healthy and comfortable environments.

Roberto Sandano, Group Chief Sales & Marketing Officer – HVAC remarked, currently, air conditioning systems are responsible for the highest energy consumption in buildings, and play a significant part in their environmental impact. The HVAC market is however very dynamic, with major evolutions in the research and development of new, increasingly sustainable and efficient solutions. This event turns out to be  an unmissable opportunity, for CAREL and for all the players in the sector, to move forward a serious and constructive discussion on the enormous contribution that the HVAC industry can offer in terms of sustainability and well-being. 

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