Case studies/Projects

Reduce space constraints with portable cold storage

From a commercial rental storage perspective, customers tend to pay more for their finished goods (FG) storage as compared to raw materials (RM). Storage and handling of FG demands more professionalism as a little thermal shock or contamination may put strong negative impact on the product (texture of products might be changed in some cases).

Another major factor is cost. In competition, a cold storage which can offer lowest possible rental and service price to its customers may win the quotation. Lowest price can only be offered easily if one is utilising its cubic feet at maximum level and cubic feet can be maximised only by racking, and racking should be a combination of double deep, drive in, and drive through racking. Moreover, a push back or pallet shuttle racking may also be used to automate your stacking (stock to dock time).

Crystal Logistic Cool Chain Ltd has a vertical, which provides customers with optimum solutions to their problems with the zest of innovation. Portable cold storage concept is introduced with the joint venture with Titan containers, wherein these containers are temperature-controlled, movable, portable, which lowers the risk of high investments, and can be bought or rented according to their interests or duration.

The company has served a renowned pharma company a 3-bay superstore (temperature controlled container, which has +60 to -60 temperature) installed at their plant. The issue was the lack of space in their existing warehouse and the requirement was immediate to stock their pharmaceutical products. Crystal Logistic Cool Chain Ltd got the bay installed outside their warehouse without disturbing or moving any internal infrastructure.

Apart from that, the company has also served another renowned pharma with their immediate requirement to store pharma materials and goods with a temperature ranging from 2 to 8 degree in their vicinity. Space was a problem and the requirement of the solution was immediate, wherein Crystal Logistic Cool Chain Ltd served them with a 10-feet reefer container at their vicinity at the stipulated time.

It was cost effective, time promising, and quality checked case and the company received positive feedbacks, wherein the consignment didn’t let lose their major motto of not just to serve their services, but also ensure that their clients are satisfied, and to avoid losses due to delay or non-timely performance, in turn leading to disappointments or loss of any deal.

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