IBMS benefits healthcare building services 

Firoz Jana

Hospitals now implement integrated building management systems that connect all mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, and security systems for seamless operation. To ensure excellent healthcare, cleanliness, and advanced medical techniques, healthcare developers establish high-quality hospitals, recognising that the hospital business does not rely on a traditional market.

Healthcare facilities are essential for human beings. In developing countries like India, the state of healthcare could be better. Although government hospitals exist, private hospitals still need to be within the reach of many people. However, with the emergence of various health insurance providers, more people are now willing to visit private hospitals.

Considering the importance of good healthcare, cleanliness, and advanced medical techniques, healthcare developers are now prioritising the development of quality hospitals, recognising that a market for hospital business is inherently present. 

People may not have a choice regarding emergency treatment, but for planned medical care, they prefer to visit a hospital with the best equipment and doctors available. Healthcare facility builders are also ready to invest in a world-class facility that will treat patients and increase revenue.

Functioning of hospital

The operation and well-functioning of any healthcare unit are much more important than setting them up. Once a hospital starts functioning, no compromise can be made with its services, as then human lives are at risk. Integrated building management systems provided in hospitals connect with all mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, and security systems for smooth running.

Functioning of IBMS

Security and management of healthcare buildings pose many challenges to administrators. Hazards like Fire, unrestricted entry of people and vehicles, and communication methods are a few challenges. These challenges are overcome by exploring automation technologies that help the management secure their premises and also convey messages and distress alarms to the occupants in a very short period. 

IBMS here provides a holistic Security and Automation Solution which achieves foolproof and uncompromised security, Systemised access control, automatic and convenient visitor management system, Intelligent tracking and monitoring of activities.


The solution is divided into information management, building automation, and perimeter security. Information management includes a centralised monitoring system and an integrated management server. Building automation involves building management for individual locations, access control using RFID readers, monitoring and tracking activities with IP/CCTV surveillance cameras, public address systems to alert occupants and fire alarm systems to warn of fire hazards. Perimeter security encompasses surveillance using CCTV/IP cameras, visitor management, and vehicle access control.

The above stages are covered by system providers and widely addressed by integrators.

The automation in all building services also includes perimeter surveillance with CCTV/IP cameras, visitor management, and vehicle access control.

This stage manages all major building services and assists with energy management but often lacks attention, leading to high energy bills and issues with basic daily operations.

IBMS for building services

In this discussion, we will explore how to integrate the building services into an Integrated Building Management System (IBMS) and the benefits this integration offers to healthcare developers.

In any health care building, there are several mechanical equipment such as Chillers, AHUs, Pumps, Valve, Electrical equipment such as switchgear, Generators, panels, Transformers, PHE equipment such as Pumps, STPs, Boilers, Treatment plants can be seen in any building along with measuring devices such as BTU meters, DB meters and Energy meters. When these devices connect to a central point for a shared objective, it is called an Integrated Building Management System. Design engineers take care at each stage of selecting the right equipment for saving energy, as mentioned herein.

  • Chillers and pumps- Timing, temperature control.
  • LED fixtures- timer-based or sensor-based control.
  • DG Back – Auto changeover, Diesel stock level and billing control.
  • VFD in pumps, AHUs- for reducing running cost
  • Water saving fixtures – monitoring and malfunctioning of fixtures
  • STP- working condition, municipality alert and landscape water distribution.
  • CO and CO2 sensors- in corridors and basements will help increase indoor air quality.

Many other mechanical and electrical equipment in any healthcare building can be optimised for power and water savings. However, the main objective is fulfilled only with the help of IBMS. For a 350-bed hospital, nearly 3 lakh units of electricity can be saved monthly with simple IBMS without compromising services. Hence, the life of the HVAC system can increase by 5 to 6 years. All the building management systems need to connect to a platform. The RS 485 port is a common port that enables other equipment to connect easily with IBMS.

Firoz Jena

Advantages of IBMS

Integrated Building Management Systems (IBMS) offer many other advantages in healthcare settings beyond energy savings. Air conditioning requirements in hospitals differ from those in other buildings, with some areas needing 24-hour AC, others requiring it for 12 or 8 hours, and some consultation rooms only needing AC for a few hours. IBMS ensures uninterrupted AC supply according to these varying needs, thereby helping to reduce energy bills.

Hospitals use HVAC systems with different filter banks, ranging from minimum MERV 12 to HEPA filters. An effective IBMS continuously updates the filter status, ensuring optimal air quality. Heating requirements for specific rooms can also be easily monitored and controlled through IBMS.

ICUs and NICUs benefit from automatic ventilation, where isolated rooms are ventilated with exhaust units once a patient is changed. IBMS also monitors CO2 levels in these rooms. Consulting rooms fitted with volume variable frequency drives and CO2 sensors can have their ventilation rates regulated by an Integrated Building Management System (IBMS), reducing operating costs by running the units only when the rooms are occupied.

Thermostats connected to indoor air conditioning units, integrated with IBMS and dampers, facilitate easy thermal control. IBMS can automate an air-cleaning program for operation theatres by running the exhaust system in exhaust mode and reworking the units to operate in 100 percent fresh air mode.

IBMS also helps control lighting through daylight sensors, contributing to energy savings. It monitors and automates the operation of diesel generators (DG), providing a history of power failures. Security systems are integrated into IBMS, enhancing modern security measures.

Doctor-on-call, nurse-calling, and biometric and card-based access systems are integrated into the IBMS. This integration records the status and history of calls and requests and provides the exact location of individuals. Furthermore, hot water systems and solar hot water line sensors connected to the IBMS enable real-time monitoring of their functionality.

Expertise shared by-

Firoj Jena

Chief Executive Officer, Clancy Global Consulting Engineers.

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