Corporate Coalition for Innovation & Technology toward Net Zero (CCITNZ) to partner with governments, international organizations and others in industry to help...
Six cutting-edge innovators have been selected to partner with Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL) to pilot new cost-effective, climate-smart cooling technologies as...
75F identified a tiny bug in our 75F® Central Control Unit™ software causing an edge case. Early this summer, a small Georgia elementary school...
Studies have proven that indoor air quality is poorer than outdoors; hence, using air purifiers is one of the measures for good...
Brands and consumers want to know the origin of the food or medicine they consume. This means that the supply chains must...
Evaporative cooling effectively controls ingress heat in a public building, even by circulating water through them or keeping walls wet. Shading also...
The parameter of a sound cooling system should be able to meet the highest and steady demand with linear energy. Consumers’ perspective ...
Evolving trends and innovative cooling methods to focus on environment protection and to provide energy-efficient cooling via future chillers, along with advancing...
The showroom of the Apex Tool Group, formerly known as Cooper Power Tools in Westhausen has an impressive range of different assembly...
23 products of the Indoor Air Quality Business Unit of the company qualified for this award. Delta, a global leader in power...