Air Handling

We intend to develop sustainable solutions that provide thermal comfort


According to Dr Mayur Sundararajan, the Business Head of Superfan at Versa Drives Private Limited, the company strongly prioritises environmental commitment. They aim to expand sustainable practices to reduce their ecological footprint and actively contribute to social sustainability.

Please provide an overview of Superfan as a technology company and detail their range of energy-efficient Super Energy Efficient (SEE) fans.
Superfan is designed and manufactured by a 30-year-old company – Versa Drives Private Limited, in Coimbatore, specialising as one of the country’s premier motor drive design and manufacturers. 

Versa Drives: Superfan stands out as one of the rare global companies with extensive expertise in fundamental motor technology, blade technology, manufacturing, branding, sales, and marketing of highly efficient BLDC fans. Moreover, we possess valuable experience collaborating with the Indian government and various NGOs to emphasise energy efficiency as an additional advantage. Superfan is positioned to build an Indian brand that advocates equitable environmental consciousness and a global vision in manufacturing energy-efficient appliances within India for India.

Our super energy-efficient BLDC fan list includes the following: 

 Super Q series – These are high-flow ceiling fans with a remarkable BEE 5-star rating. Notably, they were honoured with the Appliance of the Year National Energy Conservation Award in 2020 by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency under the Ministry of Power, Government of India. This award recognises them as the most efficient fans in India.

Super E – A 1200mm fan consuming only 35W and providing an airflow of 230 CMM.

Super A – A 1200mm (48″) fan utilising 35W and delivering an airflow of 230 CMM.

Super V – A 1400mm (56”) fan using 40W and offering an airflow of 270 CMM.

Super J – A 900mm (36”) fan consuming 25W and providing an airflow of 130 CMM.

In your opinion, what essential modifications are required in energy efficiency regulations in India?
The existing energy efficiency regulations are moderately effective but are burdened by their historical context. While not entirely inadequate, they limit progress in a rapidly evolving world, as what might have been suitable regulations in the past may not be optimal for the present and future. In India, the regulations related to energy efficiency are divided among different agencies, leading to unnecessary complexities.

To improve energy efficiency regulations, it is crucial to base them on comprehensive research considering various factors. This includes fostering indigenous innovation, establishing a local supply chain to reduce imports, ensuring widespread market accessibility, promoting recyclability, and ensuring the viability of proposed solutions. By incorporating these elements, the regulations can be better tailored to address the dynamic energy efficiency needs of the country.

Please provide an overview of the current status of BLDC fan technology in India.
With the government’s initiative to enforce mandatory BEE star labelling for fans, prominent brands have started incorporating BLDC motor-based fans in their product offerings. The mandatory labelling, effective from January 1st, 2023, eliminated inefficient 80 W fans that don’t even qualify for a 1-star rating. BLDC fans achieved ratings of 4 and 5 stars based on their performance.

This mandatory labelling has spurred the adoption of super energy-efficient fans, and there is a growing trend of energy efficiency in both corporations and institutions, further boosting the demand for such fans.

Currently, BLDC fans make up about 5% of the market size. However, due to the impact of mandatory star labelling and related measures, it is projected to reach 20% by the following year, with the potential for continued growth beyond that.

How does the Superfan, launched by Versa Drives Pvt. Ltd. with its motor control expertise, achieve super energy efficiency in fans?
Around 2009, an article titled ‘Ceiling fan: an overlooked appliance’ by the NGO Prayas brought attention to the energy demand and environmental impact of many ceiling fans in India. In response, we built a motor drive to develop a solution for driving Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motors for ceiling fan applications.

After successfully building a motor drive, we implemented it in the popular Crompton High-Speed fan, reducing its power consumption from 75W to 32W. However, major brands were hesitant to adopt this technology, so we decided to manufacture the rest of the fans ourselves.

We improved the fans by adding features such as remote control, stable speed at different input voltages, inverter compatibility, various colours, eco-friendly packaging, a 5-year warranty, timer control, breeze mode, precision speed control, and more. On December 12th, 2012, the Superfan was launched, which became India’s first super energy-efficient fan.


Please discuss the range of motor drives available from Versa Drives and their applications in various industries.
At Versa Drives, we specialise in creating customised variable speed drives suitable for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and appliances with power requirements ranging from 30 W to 20 kW. These drives find applications in various industries, including fans, pumps, compressors, winding machines, fitness equipment, electric vehicles, elevators, drones, and more.

Our motor drives are versatile and can work with AC Induction motors, Permanent Magnet Synchronous motors, and Brushless DC motors. They are designed with a wide operating voltage range, allowing them to be used worldwide without any constraints due to the standard power supply of a specific country.

Additionally, our drives support multiple communication interfaces such as RS232, RS485, UART, CAN, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, enabling seamless connectivity and control options.

Moreover, our drives are designed to comply with the industry’s international standards, including IEC 61800-3, IEC 60068-2, and IEC 61683, ensuring their reliability and performance.

Compliance with UL & CSA based on product requirements.

 Power rating

Solar pump drive
0.375 kW to 7.5 kW

EV controller
0.35 kW to 20 kW

1.5 kW

Fitness equipments
 0.09 kW to 0.3 kW

What sets your company apart from competitors operating in the same production range?
Superfan stands out from other BLDC fans in several significant ways, encompassing technology, approach, and environmental impact:

True Energy Efficiency: Superfan’s unique design ensures energy savings for consumers and the electricity grid, with a Power Factor greater than 90 per cent at all fan speed settings. In contrast, other fans experience a decrease in this value as fan speed decreases.

Customised Airflow: Unlike typical high-speed fans, Superfan’s innovative blade shape delivers the required airflow at lower RPMs, preventing discomfort caused by high-speed air, such as dryness in the nose and mouth, coughing and muscle stiffness.

Pioneering Technology: Superfan has been a leader in introducing new features and technology to the fan industry for a decade, holding several patents on fan design features and manufacturing processes. In contrast, other BLDC fans often rely on imported designs and components.

Collaborative Approach: Superfan has collaborated with government agencies and NGOs since 2013, playing a pivotal role in implementing mandatory star labelling for fans. We continue to work with relevant entities to advocate for energy efficiency standards, policies, and initiatives that benefit consumers, industries, markets, and the nation.

Commitment to Sustainability: Superfan’s launch of super-efficient fans has resulted in substantial energy savings, helping India conserve over 10 lakh units of electricity and prevent approximately 10 lakh tonnes of CO2 emissions daily. Their commitment extends beyond energy efficiency to eco-friendly packaging, avoiding plastic bags or thermocol and reducing polluting materials by around 300 grams compared to typical packaging practices.

What factors should be considered for energy efficiency in air handling and ventilation systems?
Air handling involves conditioning and circulating air within a building for heating, cooling, humidifying, and filtering. The ventilation provides fresh outdoor air and exhausts stale indoor air to optimise indoor air quality. Achieving energy efficiency in these systems is crucial to minimise energy consumption, operational costs, and environmental impact. Key considerations for efficiency include system design, equipment efficiency, control strategies, maintenance, insulation, natural ventilation, refrigerant management, integrated building design, regulatory compliance, and monitoring. By focusing on these aspects, designers and operators can create effective, energy-efficient air handling and ventilation systems.

What are the company’s plans to meet the increasing business demands?
Superfan’s plans revolve around bridging gaps in the Indian and global fan industries by establishing a comprehensive system for manufacturing super energy-efficient fans. With the fan market size reaching INR 10,000 crores, Superfan sees significant opportunities for growth and innovation. To meet the global demand for energy-efficient fans, the company aims to invest in scaling existing technologies, developing new ones, and integrating them into various aspects of fan design, materials, and manufacturing processes to enhance human thermal comfort.

The expansion strategy includes:

  •   Exploring new materials.
  •   Establishing a robust supply chain system in India.
  •   Automating manufacturing processes.
  •   Offering technology licensing to other manufacturers.

Additionally, Superfan will cater to national and international markets, recognising the industry’s increasing trend towards energy efficiency. The company also strongly emphasises environmental commitment, expanding sustainable practices to minimise its environmental impact and contribute to social sustainability. Our goal is to develop sustainable solutions that ensure thermal comfort.


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